The Online Journal of Catholic Theology

Friday, June 1, 2007

About Fides quaerens Intellectum Online Theology Journal

Fides quaerens Intellectum.
Fides quaerens Intellectum is a quote from St.Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109). It is his definition of theology, 'Faith seeking Understanding'. It has been chosen as the name for this journal because we hope to offer to Catholics and others who are interested articles on theology so that they may increase their understanding of the faith.

Who may write for this Blog?
We are hoping to get a range of contributors for this Journal. The subject matter will generally be theological, so may include history, ethics, or other related issues. If you wish to offer an article for this Journal, please send the editor an email (details at bottom of main page). It would most likely be that a contributor will have formal studies in the discipline relating to the article in order to ensure a well researched article, however articles will be considered from others at the discretion of the editor. At all times citations must be given for material directly or indirectly taken from any source.

Who is this Journal aimed at?
This journal is aimed at the laity, it is aimed at you!
Fides quaerens Intellectum Online Catholic Theology Journal is aimed at thinking Catholic's who may have no formal theological training, but nonetheless wish to investigate their faith at a deeper level. The idea is to try to connect readers with the thinking of theologians and others, and hopefully engender better understanding of the faith, and a greater sense of communion within the Church. As such, we will attempt to source contributions from theologians and other specialists in various disciplines who can share their thinking with the faithful and present to them the catholic faith.

What is the authority of this Journal?
This journal is not an official voice of the Church, nor has it an imprimatur, and the editor makes no such claim, even if a contributor happens to be a member of the magisterium. This is a theological journal, and is written for the edification of the Church, and her members. No catholic is obliged to accept the views of any of the contributors to this site. The views offered by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor, although they may well be. Likewise, the views offered by any individual contributor are not necessarily the views of any other contributor. It is hoped that contributors of different disciplines will offer their views for your consideration. When all else fails, on matters of the faith, we recommend you accept as your authority the teaching of your local bishop.

The image in the title.
The image in the title of Fides quaerens Intellectum online Journal is the seal of Anselm of Canterbury. The image has been taken from the follow site:
Britain Express Website;; retrieved 10/6/07.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.